Support our Work
Your financial support allows us to continue empowering communities, advocating for justice, and implementing transformative programs. Every contribution, big or small, directly impacts the lives of individuals and families in the Holy Land.
Donations are tax-deductible. We are a fiscally sponsored project of Nonviolence International, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States. As a sponsoring organization, Nonviolence International is required to retain discretion and control of the funds, which will, in all events, be used for the intended, charitable purposes.
Volunteer or Partner
Get involved by offering your skills, collaborating on projects, or becoming a strategic partner. Together, we can create lasting impact.
Join a Transformational Journey
Experience the Holy Land firsthand through our immersive travel programs. Engage with local communities, explore historical sites, and gain a deeper understanding of the realities on the ground.
Host & Share
Be a voice for change! Organize a fundraiser, cultural event, or virtual campaign to support our mission. Raise awareness by sharing our story through presentations, workshops, or social media.
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